Play To Your Strengths!
For the second time this week I was sat at my laptop with my cursor hovering over delete as I urmmmed and ahhhhed over my most recent attempt at a semi decent blog post. Before I knew it this post, like the last ended up in the trash. As a blogger you have a natural desire to write, you want to research and produce content that has never been covered before and with that comes a certain amount of pressure. You wouldn’t have much of a blog if you always covered what others did, so its a bloggers mission to write new and original material, be the first to cover a certain topic or create a little controversy. Lately I have found myself questioning my blogging ability more and more, am I interesting enough, cool enough, do people really pay much attention to what I write? Should I write something a little more left of centre just to see if it would raise a few heads?
It was time to take a moment and have a stern word with myself so I started to question why I wanted to blog in the first place. First and foremost I love to write, it has always been my biggest passion, for as long as I could write full sentences I started to keep a journal, I would write stories and sometimes I loved to write that much I would copy passages out of books just to get my fix. When I write I am transported to a world in my head where it is just me, here there are no worries and no distractions.
Second I have always wanted to run my own business. Once I had left college I made my way into the world of work with my first job being in a bar. It was my first shift that I started to brainstorm ideas on ways to make the business expand and grow, which should tell you a lot about the type of person I am, I can always see more potential in a business. I stayed in that job for almost eight years, five of which I was the the manager and I loved it, I thrived under pressure and was always looking for ways to get more people through the door.
The final main factor was that I love to share knowledge, I suppose some would see me as a bit of a know – it- all as I always have to have all the answers and it kills me if I don’t know something or I get it wrong, just ask Mr T about that!
Of course there are lots of other reasons and I could write about them all day but what I realised from this is that these are my strengths, although I love nothing more than to get crafty, my strong points lie in business and this is why me and Jess work so well together. I am the business head of our creative business, my strengths lie in planning, organization and communication, all key managerial tools. Instead of worrying that my posts aren’t fun enough or that I am not interesting enough I should focus on creating content around the things I know best and hopefully the rest will come naturally.
So I want to know what are your strengths and weaknesses? Bloggers, do you worry that you are not interesting enough? Do you sometimes feel pressured into writing about things you aren’t that passionate about?
Much Bespoke Love
Emily x
I genuinely don’t think you could ever write something that wasn’t cool, interesting or helpful. I think the world of your blog. I recommend it to people, and I voted for you in the awards!! What I like is how you both complement each other and it all forms this cohesive awesomeness. Don’t ever doubt anything you do on here. I’m telling you it’s amazing!! Xx
Awww Erin you have no idea how much your lovely comment means to me! Thank you so much for the continuous amazing support and for voting in the awards, we really appreciate it! Fingers crossed we will be there together this year 🙂
I think as bloggers and writers we always doubt the impact we have and whether readers really give a crap. The people who matter do! That’s what it comes down to. Not everyone will find every written piece interesting, but it will always touch someone and that’s what counts. Keep on writing, girl!
Thanks so much for your lovely comment and support Cassandra!!