So You Want to Lose Weight For Your Wedding? Read this First!
It is that time of year again! Christmas is just around the corner and if you are anything like me, it is a month for pure indulgence. Before you know it, the New Year is here and without a second thought you are making resolutions for a healthier, fitter, leaner new you for the New Year. Within weeks I will have failed and I will back to periodic spats of dieting and clean eating but nothing lasts forever.
Weight loss is something scarcely discussed here as I know all too well how much pressure there is on women to feel as though they need to lose weight and it can really get you down. I did once write a post asking our readers whether they thought losing weight for a wedding was a good or bad idea?. I was quite surprised by the response as I thought it would be very divided, yet the general consensus was that a wedding is great motivation for getting your butt into shape, but the choice to get healthy and lose weight should be more about making a life change and building confidence, rather than just about losing weight for a special event.
We would never want the women that come here to feel pressured into losing weight, instead we want to provide women with the information they will need to build confidence should they need it and if they do decide to journey into weight loss, then we will provide the information needed to undertake it safely and responsibly. That is where Mirinda Fleur from Body Meet Bride Comes in…
Mirinda is a nutritionist, trainer and coach on an incredible journey, empowering women to become their healthiest, happiest and most confident, through education, positivity, balance, and of course endless support and we have asked her to share her story with you.
“Since I was a teenager I had been interested in health, diet and fitness but I 100% did not know the right way to go about it and got so confused by all the info and health gimmicks out there, it can be overwhelming! I could go into details of some health issues I had regarding my thyroid, my unrealistic expectations etc but you’re a girl you get it 😉
It was when I decided to see a Naturopath for a detox program that I fell in love with the world of alternative medicine, I remember feeling that ‘Uh Huh’ moment of things just starting to make sense and realized this is the world I want to be in (I was studying Fashion Marketing at the time so quite a change!) Literally within a month I had enrolled into Nutrition College and I never looked back! I am now a certified Nutritionist, Health Coach, Personal Trainer and have just enrolled for Yoga Teacher Training, Yippeee! The learning never stops and I love exposing myself to new knowledge to share and inspire my brides to be.
A few quick “fun facts” about me:
♥ I love food…and I mean all food, I don’t have a “perfect” diet all the time, I eat chocolate, I eat pizza and I enjoy every bite (to me health is about balance and been “naughty” sometimes is totally ok!)
♥ I did Zumba for the first time this year (shocking it took me this long to build up the courage to go!) and I’m addicted, it seriously boosts your confidence, gets you sweating & is just insanely fun, I highly suggest grabbing your girlfriend and going!
♥ I have a 5 month old Chihuahua named Beefy (my boyfriend named her!) who is incredibly entertaining & loving!
♥ My top 3 favourite foods are sweet potatoes, pomegranates & chocolate covered almonds 😉
About Body meet Bride
During my Health Coaching studies I was exposed to the amazing opportunities that online business brings, and the possibility of been able to help people from anywhere was so exciting!
Body meet Bride honestly came to me quite randomly!!! I knew I wanted to work with women to help them find a healthy balance, build confidence, feel strong, empower them with knowledge and help them learn to live a healthy happy life. As a woman I know most brides to be want & need these things for their big day but also long after! I thought reaching out to brides would be a great way to help women who might not usually invest in themselves and who finally had the perfect motivation to treat themselves to finding their health!
The philosophy of Body meet Bride is a stress free, holistic, realistic, educational approach to achieving your goals. This program is about empowering yourself whether you want to lose weight, tone up, get clearer skin or more energy; anything is possible.
Every woman deserves to look and feel her absolute best on her wedding day but I also believe every woman deserves to feel that way every day too and it is my wish that Body meet Bride will give women the knowledge and tools to achieve both!
If you are looking to start making healthy changes here are my top tips…
The key to making a lifelong change to a healthy lifestyle is starting of slow and setting realistic achievable goals, taking it each day at time and truly believing in you!
1. Sleep well! Aim for 7-8hrs every night and try to keep your sleep schedule as regular as your lifestyle allows! Sleep is crucial to your health it effects your hormones which in turn affects everything from energy, skin, hunger and off course mood!
2. Reduce all bottled beverages alcohol, sodas, juices (unless the cold pressed organic kind of course), coffees, iced teas, milks and flavoured waters. These are all filled with excessive sugars, are heavily processed and highly addictive, so remember cut back slowly, until that days comes when you crave the iced glass of water with slice of lemon 😉
3. Get moving as much as possible, if you belong to the gym set yourself a schedule each week, if your new to exercise start with regular walks around the neighbourhood. If you can do something physical everyday amazing if not no worries, a realistic goal to start is to sweat 3 times a week! I suggest trying out a variety of classes and find something you enjoy!
4. Eat vegetables and/or salad with most meals! Every time you have a savoury meal set yourself a goal to have one third of your plate be vegetables! You don’t need to make it fancy, can simply slice up raw cucumbers, tomatoes and dress with little olive oil, salt & pepper!
Healthy living is not about depriving yourself so start the journey by simply including more healthy habits until the other “bad” stuff becomes less and less appealing trust me it happens eventually!
If you have promised yourself a fitter, healthier new you for the New Year or perhaps you’re wedding, I really hope this post gives you the confidence to start your journey, but more than anything we want every bride to embrace their shape and accept their flaws!
I wanted to end with a quote left on our previous weight loss post that I thought was quite poignant for today…
“It is important to be healthy, no matter your size so remember to eat well, move your body & love yourself from the inside out. What will make you look good on your wedding day is the radiance from within & the love in your smile.”
Good Luck!!
Some good advice there,its all about balance, being healthy not necessarily smaller. Great post.