Last week we shared the results of our recent survey with you, which you can see here. We are so thankful to you guys for taking the time to provide us with so much useful feedback and were thrilled to see so many suggestions for new posts ideas. It seems that a fair few of our gorgeous brides are beginning to feel the pressures of planning and are in desperate need of a little R and R. So today I am going to share my tips on how to use relaxation and mindfulness for those overwhelming moments of wedding planning.
1. Eat Healthy
Nourish your body with healthy food by starting the day with a good breakfast. I used to always eat sugary cereals but since quitting sugar in January I have found lots of even better alternatives. My favourites include Creamy Coconut Porridge or if that feels a bit heavy an Oaty Smoothie from Deliciously Ella. Since changing up my breakfasts I have been amazed by how much more energised I feel and another benefit is how wonderfully filling they are. I stay full right up until lunch which is great for keeping a clear mind and positive attitude.
Taking the time to actually prepare breakfasts in the morning is also a great destresser, the action of chopping, cooking and blending, offers your mind the chance to focus on the now, so enjoy the moment, as well as the taste!
2. Go for a Walk
I try to make time to go for a 3o minute walk at least once every day! Apps like Fitbit are a great motivator as you can link up with your friends, set goals and complete challenges. A good dose of fresh air and (sometimes) sunshine can make you feel so good! I am always much more awake and alert after a walk and it’s great for creativity to.
If you like to keep fit doing just 20 mins of exercise a few times a week can do you the world of good! I am currently obsessed with the new Sweat with Kayla app. Similar to Fitbit, you can set goals and complete challenges which is a fantastic motivator and offers the opportunity to work off a ton of stress and frustration.
3. Meditation & Mindfulness
Meditation and Mindfulness works wonders for clearing negative thoughts and relieving anxiety. I currently use the Headspace app which is good for beginners and also includes information on how to manage things like depression, stress and anxiety. Sessions can last just 10 minutes which means they can easily fit into any brides busy schedule.
4. Stretch
Whether you just take a couple of minutes to stretch at your desk or you take a yoga class, stretching not only relieves stress from you body but your mind to. Concentrating on areas such as the neck, shoulders, lower back and head will remove tension as well as promote circulation of new blood to the brain which can result in mood elevation.
5. Create a Zen Environment
A clean home equals a clean mind. I definitely believe that mess takes up a lot of mental space. Messes are problems and as it is our natural response to want to solve problems, subconsciously our minds are always trying to find ways to clear it, even if you do think just closing the door will solve it, we still subconsciously know it’s there.
Once you have had a good clean out, work on making your home a little more Zen, if you don’t have the time to do the whole house just focus on one small space to make as your retreat. I like to be surrounded by plants and flowers, which is great as plants also double as air purifiers, clearing the space around you as well as your mind.
6. Take a bath
One of my favourite ways to unwind is with a nice, long, hot soak in the bath with one of my favourite LUSH bath bombs. Make time to turn your bathroom into a relaxation spa once a week and you will literally feel your stresses soak away.
7. Sleep Well
It is surprising how much stress can interfere with sleep. I have been feeling particularly anxious lately and I am finding myself waking up almost every hour. Lack of sleep makes us sluggish and unproductive which can soon become very frustrating, so here are some of my tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
- Take a hot bath before bed
- Drink a cup of warm milky hot choc
- Change your bed sheets – everything feels better with fresh bedding!
- Read a book before bed
- Don’t look at your phone or do anything too mentally stimulating an hour before bed
- Turn off all distractions i.e. email alerts, ring tones – put your phone on silent and cover the screen so even the light can’t wake you.
So there you go guys, start your week with a little rest and relaxation, you deserve it!