This month we teamed up with B&Q on their #mystatementwall campaign where we got to share our favourite colourful and statement walls over on our instagram and we also got to create a canvas of what we envisioned a statement wall of our own would look like! I chose to use blues, oranges, pinks, purples and yellow to create this geometric piece and loved the results! Afterwards I was thinking, what can | do with this canvas now? And it hit me that it would make an awesome seating plan! Here’s how to create your own geometric table plan…
A white canvas // Paints in the colours of your choice // Paintbrushes // Frog tape // Faux flowers (or real flowers if you prefer) // A glue gun // Black vinyl // White vinyl // Cricut Machine* // Place names (These can be from your stationer, printed out at home or handwritten if you’ve got lovely hand writing) // Craft glue //
*You don’t necessarily NEED a Cricut with black and white vinyl for this project, you can always get some vinyl letters or stickers if you prefer to create the words ‘seating plan’ at the top
The fun part! First you’ll want to create the pattern on your canvas, I started off by placing frog tape onto my canvas in various directions and stripes until I had a bunch of triangles that I only had to fill in!
Paint in the negative space varying the colours as you go, it’s best not to have two of the same colours next to each other if you can help it. Then allow this to fully dry.
I found it easier to start by glueing all of the faux flowers onto the canvas first, I decided to adhere ours in the top right corner and the bottom left corner but you can glue your flowers wherever you like! If you want a really bold piece then they could go all of the way around the canvas, or perhaps you could just have them sitting along the top of the canvas draping over, it’s entirely up to you. Again with these, you’ll want to vary the colours and sizes as you go, using your hot glue gun to keep them in place.
Now it’s time to add in the title, I decided to cut the vinyl out on the Cricut machine in black then white so that the white would stand out more and I chose the words ‘seating plan’, you could of course instead have ‘table plan’ or ‘take a seat’ or you can get a little more creative with that, just simply adhere your title to the top of your board.
Finally, all that’s left to do is glue on your place cards, I decided to use craft glue for ours because the paper was very thin I was working with but if you’ve got yours printed onto nice quality card then I would recommend using the glue gun again for this step.
What do you guys think? It’s quite the statement piece right?! I love how fun, colourful and geometric it is! If you’d like to check out more of our DIYs then click here! xx