How To Make a Vibrant Floral Crown!
Good Morning Lovelies!! I hope you have all had fabulous weekends and are looking forward to the week ahead! Today we have the most beautiful DIY to share with you and it has all been made possible by our friends over at Interflora. You may have remembered we featured their Vibrant Garland over Christmas and we thought it was about time we welcomed them back with another of their fabulous florals. This time Interflora are showing us how to make this gorgeous vibrant floral crown perfect for you summer festival wedding. Enjoy!
You Will Need: A variety of spray Chrysanthemums in bright colours (10 stems)// 2 x stems blue September flower// Variegated ivy// A selection of brightly coloured ribbons// Florist wires// Florist Tape// Scissors//
Step 1: Measure around your head and cut a piece of florist wire to size, then cover one end with florist tape and make a loop in it.
Step 2: Next, using a pair of sharp scissors cut the stems of the flowers short (approximately 2 inches) then mount on florist wire by inserting a length up the stem of the flower. Repeat until all the flowers are mounted on florist wire.
Step 3: Next, cut a length of ivy to fit around your head. Wrap wire around one end and attach this to one end of the long wire you cut earlier. Leave the rest of the ivy loose to weave around the design later.
Step 4: Now take the mounted flowers and attach them in clusters to the headdress being sure to alternate the colours as you work along the length. Once the flowers are in place, weave the ivy throughout the design, using it to fill any gaps.
Top tip: trim any excess wires as you go along to keep the headdress light and dainty and comfortable to wear!
Step 5: Once you’ve completed the design make a hook at the other end of the wire. This will form the back of the headdress and be how you secure it together.
Step 6: For that final finishing touch, create a bow using different brightly coloured ribbons. To do this, take long lengths of ribbon and form a bow, then bend a wire in two to form a hairpin shape and insert through the middle before twisting to secure the bow.
Step 7: Attach the bow to the back of the headdress using florist wire.
Aren’t the colours in this crown just totally exquisite! J’adore!!!
I would also recommend you take a look at Interflora’s Floral Look book which has some of the most extraordinary florals creations I have ever seen from over sized hats to handbags and shawls, the ideas will blow your mind!
Much Bespoke Love
Emily x
Loving this bright flower crown and how straight forward it seems to make it!
I wish I could have this beautiful crown. I wanna go to dreamworld after wearing this.
For this crown I have this words, yeh!! WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!
I wonder how long in advance of wearing you could make this?
It is absolutely gorgeous and just what my granddaughter wants for her wedding!
Hi! The crowns don’t last long once they have been made so I would suggest the morning of the wedding. I would also suggest placing them in fridge until they are ready to wear and keeping them moist will also help preserve them until she is ready to wear. Good Luck!
Wish you had step by step pictures!