By now your wedding planning is probably in full swing which means you might well be starting to feel the pressure. We recently wrote about how you can use relaxation and mindfulness to manage your frazzled nerves so today we are talking about the practical things you can do to focus your mind on the job at hand. So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and remember, YOU GOT THIS!
1. Stick to your Routine
I know you’re thinking, ‘how on earth can I stick to a normal routine and find time to plan a wedding?’
Routines are essential for planning, they give us something to look forward to and work towards. You will feel more organised with life in general if you stick to your routine and instead fit planning your wedding around it, rather than focusing all your energy on planning and letting everything else around you slip.
2. Don’t Check Emails First Thing
There is nothing worse than waking up to a stressful email, whether it be related to life, work or wedding planning. It sets the tone for the rest of your day and can cause you to blast back an email right away without giving the response much thought.
Instead choose a dedicated time to deal with any wedmin emails that come in, preferably when you are more alert and free to reply reasonably.
3. Streamline your to-do List
Set out clear priorities and limit the number of tasks you aim to achieve within 1 day, 1 week, 1 month. Be realistic about your time and budget and try to complete one task before moving on to the next. Multitasking can be energy draining and don’t forget to schedule breaks.
4. Use Social Media Responsibly
Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter & Facebook can all be fantastic sources of inspiration but they can also add a great deal of stress. If you are finding yourself green with envy over a ‘friends’ wedding venue or you wind up feeling crushed when your own attempt at handcrafting wedding favours dismally failed, then it might be time to reign it in and take a little social media hiatus whilst you focus on planning your own wedding.
5. Make Time for you
Do what makes you feel good, whether it be going for a stroll, hitting the gym, taking a hot bath, making yourself a cuppa or taking five to read a magazine, do whatever you need to do to make you feel like you.
6. Get Good at Problem Solving
Much of planning a wedding includes problem solving. So when you realise something isn’t going to work out, you need to be able to think clearly and react quickly. In order to relieve any stress that might occur, make sure you are prepared. Get wedding insurance, have contracts in place with suppliers and get recommendations.
Unfortunately there is always a chance unexpected circumstances will arise, so all you can do is be prepared. Don’t forget if you want to get super organised with your planning then why not download our printable wedding DIY organiser below?
What are your best stress busting tips? Leave your comments below.